Your sales staff will:

Get access to Fortinet’s complementary Fast Track training program
Learn to hold high level conversations around the Security Fabric
Receive training on next generation firewalls, wireless security, endpoint protection and Fortinet’s Secure WD Wan
Strengthen your sales campaigns with battlecards (Fortinet vs competitors), data sheets, case studies, and Fortinet Security Fabric and Integration collateral.
Earn NSE accreditations 1-3

Fortinet’s Fast Track Training in conjunction with Exertis Ireland

Keep ahead of the competition when it comes to the latest network security developments. This program consists of a series of short, comprehensive workshops that cover the most important topics in cybersecurity.

The free online training meets you where you’re at. No matter your level of expertise, we guarantee you’ll walk away with greatly enhanced knowledge of how Fortinet can benefit your clients.

Sessions are organised every Friday and all you need is a laptop with a current browser.

To register, contact your local Fortinet Account Manager.